
Kamu bisa mengajukan program magang melalui MARI INSTITUTE


Cari tahu informasi training yang bisa kamu / komunitas ikuti disini


Merasa cukup kreatif untuk menjadi anak radio? Ayo kirim CV kamu

Creating Qualified Youngsters

Inspiring our youngsters to do positive activities and meet their needs to learn things their passionate about

What We Create

Professional Broadcaster

You will be filled with comprehensive exercise and method. From Announcer to script writer, from Radio DJ to TV Host

Public Speaker

This course will make you a person who can influence people by speaking with ethic.

Creative Communications

You will learn how to communicate through graphics, photography, videography and audio as well.

Digital and Social Media

The course will turn you into a content creator, good at reading data and elevate your analytical skill.
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Kamu bisa mengajukan program magang melalui MARI INSTITUTE


Cari tahu informasi training yang bisa kamu / komunitas ikuti di sini


Merasa cukup kreatif untuk menjadi anak radio ? Ayo kirim CV kamu
Youngster Needs


Becoming A TV Presenter with Caesar Gunawan

Workshop & Event

Mastering Voice Over Skills

Hai! Ada yang baru dari MARI Institute! Kali ini, MARI Institute membuka kelas After...

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Why choose us?

A choice that makes the difference.


100% of students are employed immediately after graduation


Project-based learning & opportunities to work directly with enterprises


Opportunities to transfer to top technology academies

Perlu Dibaca

26 Mar 2024
Fakta-Fakta Menarik Film Indonesia

Menyambut Hari Film Nasional yang diperingati setiap 30 Maret, MI menyajikan tulisan...

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20 Mar 2024
11 Rahasia Ini Bikin Kamu Jadi Content Creator Keren

Tren orang yang lebih suka menonton video membuka peluang kepada siapapun untuk...

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14 Mar 2024
Tips Jadi Penyiar Radio Keren ala Larry King

Larry King adalah penyiar radio dan televisi legendaris yang dikenal dengan gaya...

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19 Apr 2024
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MARI Institute creates Seminar, Talkshow & Workshop targeting youngsters audience

Campus Life

Building a vibrant community of creative and accomplished people

A residential campus with diverse housing, exceptional dining, health care and over 600 student
Student Affairs
A residential campus with diverse housing, exceptional dining, health care and over 600 student
Student Affairs
A residential campus with diverse housing, exceptional dining, health care and over 600 student
Student Affairs